Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions are laid down for the Candidates applying for various certifications. Candidates applying are advised to go through the terms and conditions carefully and understand the same.
Our website provides certain links of other websites. We do not endorse such websites as we do not have control of these websites. Any use of such websites is solely depends upon their terms and conditions.
Our website has developed certain protocols to check the authenticity of the information shared and to detect fraudulent activities.
Any false information or duplicate entry by the candidates is rejected and the amount submitted will be forfeited.
In some cases, it may lead to cancellation of the exam as well. When you visit our site the information you share with us, reaches electronically. And you therefore clearly consent to receive communications from us through email or by depicting information on the site.
You agree that all contracts, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
Exams are held under strict invigilation to minimize the cheating cases that are likely to happen.
Candidates must follow the instruction at time of taking exams. Exams are held under strict supervision and peaceful environment.